Diane von Furstenberg, a Belgian-American designer, gained fame for creating the iconic wrap dress. With a $30,000 loan from her father, she launched her first collection in 1972, becoming a fashion sensation at just 28. She's not only known for her designs but also for promoting confidence. As a leading figure in the fashion world, she heads the largest non-profit fashion association in America. Recognized with the Lifetime Achievement Award from CDFA in 2005, she took on the role of chairman a year later. Alongside other top designers like Michael Kors and Vera Wang, she advocates for model health in the fashion industry.
Diane von Fürstenberg's 1972/73 wrap dress, often credited as an invention, was actually a reinterpretation of existing American designer sportswear, distinguished by elastic, synthetic fabrics. Her knee-length, form-fitting jersey design, inspired by the Chinese shenyi and reinterpreted from the Kimono, became synonymous with her, symbolizing empowerment and sexual freedom.
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